Hickman County, TN
County Commissioner
District 6
I am Carla Moore, a corporate executive leader of 30 years, and I grew up in Hickman County where I learned valuable lessons from my parents, Clara and McKinley Moore. With a desire to make a difference in my community, I decided to run for County Commissioner for District 6. I am very thankful to the voters of the community for electing me and I am here to deliver!

and sister Hobrina Taylor
My Upbringing and Values
Growing up in Hickman County, I was taught the importance of being kind and respectful to everyone regardless of their race, religion or status. My mother, Clara Moore, is a retired Registered Nurse from the local hospital and people love her for her care and kindness. My father, McKinley Moore, is a beloved coach to the community and my first coach who encouraged me to follow my dreams.
Corporate Experience and Community Involvement
I had a successful corporate career that taught me about leadership and relationships which helped me in my new role as County Commissioner. After moving back home to help take care of my mother, I became more involved in the community. I have been a keynote speaker for several local events, hosted workshops with high school journalism students for a feature in the Hickmanite, supported the Imagination Library with children reading events, hosted many book signings and currently participating in the revitalization of the Bernard Community Center.

with wonderful owner Korie Cochran
New Journey as
County Commissioner
I believe that participating in local government is the best way to effect change and create stronger communities and that is why I ran for office. I wanted to make a difference. As the only woman and the only person of color on the commission, I aspire to bring diversity and inclusion into the room where decisions are made and work toward a higher quality of life for all people in Hickman County.